Friday, October 31, 2008

Windows 7 Will Be Released Soon

Vista may have advantages in terms of visual. However, the hardware needed to run the operating system this should have a greater specification. If executed with the hardware specifications of the low, the vista will be running slow. This makes users feel very uncomfortable.

To fix this version of Windows Vista, Microsoft re-released version of Windows 7, which reportedly is an improvement from the vista.

According to the news that outstanding, Windows Seven can be run with the specifications of the hardware that is not too large. Visual display is not lost from the vista. And the most incredible things on the windows 7, it has touch screen feature. Truly a breakthrough that is brilliant.

How Windows 7 will be booming in the market? Let's see it next year. Because the Windows 7 will be launched in 2010.

Vista Security Make Comfortable, really??

Is vista not need to use additional antivirus program? Some time ago one of the leaders of Microsoft, Jim Allchin, Co-President of Microsoft, suggests it. He said the security features vista has been quite steady. According to the program evil will penetrate the security difficulties on each windows vista outstanding. Allchin admitted there will still be a threat to the security of vista, because it can not be ascertained. Is vista not need antivirus software? Allchin only imply that the security features in the vista beyond what is met by existing antivirus software current.

However, the fact that the security vista often making the user. This was also experienced by my own. When you want to run the game recently installed, always appearing box warning "crashes app ..." so that the game can not be executed. Even on the windows XP, the game can run smoothly. New security after the vista demolished and changed, the game can be started. So when making applications that we want to run can not be exercised so that we have to be clever to change the security setting on the vista.

Caution Fake Login Yahoo!

Lately, rampant circulation of a link that when clicked will display the contents page false Yahoo account login. Caution your password rovered! The link can be derived from one of your brightness. It is vital It is vital to show an image, the victims trapped clicking the link will be transmitted on the Yahoo login page false, that pointed to the theft of user account information or a known familiar with Phishing.

If noted, the web page view is false is very similar to the Yahoo login page official web page installed on the false free web hosting provided by Yahoo, GeoCities. GeoCities hosting this election is also an astute pishing that because the recipient will not receive suspicious of GeoCities page autentifikasi Unsurprisingly, which is owned by Yahoo.

Without a bit suspicious, you may enter information directly username and password and click the button to sign in to see the photos your friends, without aware that the account information you have disadap other people. Come, pishing this action really does not make you suspicious because after I sign in, you will digiring to the web page yahoo photo

Skype has Lies-Detector Feature

Skype users can now ensure that talking seriously or not. By utilizing the facilities KishKish Lie Detector made BATM Advanced Communications Ltd., Skype users can identify the recipient honesty.

How it works, this application will analyze the audio stream that is sent via real-time Skype calls. Then, this application will describe the stress level of the recipient users.

This product is also equipped with voice mail and call recorder to analyze the lie to several calls ago.

This Lies-Detector is a paying product of the latest popular tool. Unfortunately Skype does not explain how the price of this application and when the product is launched.

Starting Business Without Money

1. Trust capital

Start a business without cash you can also do with a mediator. Become a mediator in the core is to sell information. Information is the heart to achieve success.

As the example by M. Suyanto, bussinessman from Indonesia told that he has a friend who called Mr. Ali, when he was a mediator when STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta buy land owned by PT. Djarum, which is located on the North Ring Road inclined Chess, Sleman in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Area of land purchased STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta less than 6,000 square meters. Price per meter when the IDR. 275,000, -, the overall price of Rp. 1650000000, -. Mr. Ali received 2.5% of the total price as a mediator, namely Rp. 41250000, -. With the income to do so once a large transaction, a interpose the job is very interesting. Similarly when I sell the land in the area of Yogyakarta Monument Back, IDR. 220 million, as the friend I get Rp. 5.5 million from me. Not to my friends also get part of my land buyers. Good enough, isn't it??

2. Brain capital

Most of the people that I met with said that they want to open a business but do not have the capital. Even God does not give a capital tandingannya there, the "brain".

In his journal, M. Suyanto said that your brain is not more than seuntai wine, even smaller than a cabbage. Weighing less than 1.5 kg. However, the brain tell times more powerful than the computer of the world. I have fruit flies 100,000 brain cells active. I have 5 million rat brain cells. Animal primates 10 billion. Meanwhile, you have 100 billion brain cells active since birth. But you are very human indeed extraordinary. You do not have the capital can still open a business with your brain. One way to open the business without cash payment is the background and is a powerful weapon that was my life.

At the time we open a branch in the road Primagama Demangan Kidul number 92, the home of Mr. Sri Satoto. We open a business with the method of payment in the background. We say "Sir we will rent a house for a year, Mr.". "Please. I am happy to students such as you have activities, "Mr. Sri Satoto responsibility. "We will pay per month, Sir," we said. "No nothing," Mr. Sri Satoto responsibility. "But we will begin paying next month Pak." Mr Sri Satoto silent a moment, then said, "Yes. No nothing. " on the goodness of Mr Sri Satoto we are able to open branches without money and fully

Similarly when I founded STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, with the brain, I've Mr Budi Sutrisno house that has a house on Jl. No Monginsidi. 8. "Mr Budi I will rent a house for two years .". "Oh please. The house is still empty "Mr Budi responsibility. "I will start to rent in March this Sir. But I will pay in August and September. " "Did so" Pak said Budi. "Because I do not have the money Sir. After the August and September, Insya Allah, I can earn money from students and that I will pay on Mr Budi. " Mr Budi silent a moment, then said, "Yes it does not matter, but I implore dinotariskan yes." "Yes Sir," I said. So, Academy of Management Information and Computer "AMIKOM" Yogyakarta, which is now a STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta can stand without cash. Now STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta have the land around 10,000 square meters and 2-storey building quite luxurious five floors and three entirely air-conditioned and the Wireless Fidelity (WI-FI), so that the students call such as shopping malls. These began with the brain, not with cash.

3. Capital hospitality

Success in the book Adventures, Roger Konopasek personality of a chef named Hussein calls. At a dinner at a restaurant where he worked, it alone. When will close the restaurant, Hussein saw a man walking towards the restaurant. See the restaurant will be closed, the man asked "Is there may be food-poor warm Australian tourist who lost in the middle of the city and hunger" ask the man. Without blinking, Hussein invite guests to sit and demand.

Returning from the kitchen, he found that both guests surprising that the two tables to sit as far from the tourist Australia. When Hussein spoke in English, guests will only sign of the shoulder does not understand. Guests can not speak English, but to give an explanation in Arabic. Because Hussein learn a little Arabic at a Koran school, he was able to guess that the man was from Saudi Arabia, lost in the city and very hungry. Hussein returned to the kitchen and prepare food fresh for the second time. Returning to the dining room, he felt sad that silence. Two men sitting in the empty restaurant in the middle of the night silence is very sad. Hussein finally decided untukmenghibur second with guests sitting in between them, using English and Arabic silih bergani. After several minutes involved in the conversation, he found something interesting. Wed have the export-import business and is in its first trip to this region to search for new transactions. While the men Australiaadalah sheep ranch that big. At the time Hussein tried to connect them. Hussein asked whether Australia's men intend to export sheep to the Arabs. He answers the form of pitching the full spirit. Then he returned to Arab men and asked whether he was interested to import fresh sheep for a delicious business Aji when hundreds of thousands of people met in Saudi Arabia for the pilgrimage to the holy places. Once again, Hussein answers the form of pitching the full spirit.

Hobbes three-way conversation to be more alive. They exchange addresses, negotiating prices and bank account numbers written on a napkin. After two hours menerjemehkan and negotiate, both the guests shake hands, pat each other shoulders and say farewell to Hussein. Three months later, Hussein's open letter from the Australian men. Men are grateful because the translator Hussein to be a good watcher and sharp-eyed business. In the letter, Hussein get a check worth $ 20,000, which is part of the agreement. Friendliness and openness to change his life to become hawk-eyed watcher business.

Blue Ocean Strategy

Strategies to compete in the competition is very tight can cause "sea of blood" for companies that compete or are put-off. This strategy is known as Bloody or Red Ocean Strategy. W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne said that the Red Ocean Strategy is no longer effective to create growth and profits in the future. They are proposing a new strategy called the Blue Ocean Strategy. Differences between the Red Ocean Strategy and Blue Ocean Strategy, among others, on to the market, competition, demand, values and strategy.

Red Ocean Strategy considers that to compete it is to compete in the market space that, while the Blue Ocean Strategy, considers that compete is to create market space that is not their. The market is very broad bagaiakan "blue ocean". Because the market is very broad, companies can choose the market as the heart. Red Ocean Strategy to use the concept can grow and benefit with the defeat competitors in the competition. Blue Ocean Strategy by using the concept to create competition that does not exist. Because there is no competition, the only company to compete with himself without another company. The company will win the competition unopposed. Red Ocean Strategy exploit the demand that exists limitless. Blue Ocean Strategy to create and capture new demand. Red Ocean Strategy to achieve excellence create value, then the Blue Ocean Strategy to achieve excellence without the need to create value. Red Ocean Strategy unified system with the overall activities of the company by selecting a differentiation strategy or overall cost leadership strategy (the low-cost strategy), while the Blue Ocean Strategy unified system with the overall activities of the company in implementing the strategy and differentiation strategy of leadership in the overall cost of co - same. Blue Ocean Strategy myangkut two aspects. First, how to find and develop the blue ocean. To find and develop the blue ocean, with the launch of new industries such as a complete eBay auction conducted on the Internet and do more with the general idustri expand the boundaries created by the red ocean. Second, how mengekploitasi and protect the blue ocean.

The competition is killed off and the other (red ocean strategy) should be replaced with or without persaing competition without having to kill (the blue ocean strategy), so the business is to be beautiful. "Therefore, we set (a law) for the Banu Israil, that he who kills one, not because the person is (kill) other people, or because not corrupt in the earth, then as if he has killed all mankind . And anyone who maintain the life of a human being, then as if he has been maintaining all human life ... .. (Al-Maidah paragraph 32).

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Create A Super-hidden Attribute

Virus usually do this intentionally. But now you can also create a super-hidden attributes.
The meaning of super-hidden attribute is an attribute to hide files or folders that are not shown in the Windows Explorer, although the show hidden files has been activated. Here's how:

1. Go to DOS by clicking the Start | run...| and then type cmd | ok

2. After entry the DOS window, go to the drive where the files or folders that will be super-hidden attributes. For example, from drive C: move to drive D: , type D: . Then click Enter

3. If the file is located in the folder or directory, you must first enter into the folder. Type cd foldername

4. After finding the file that will be super hiden attribute, type the command
attrib +s +h filenames, then click Enter

5. So if you see in the windows explore, the files are missing or will not appear although show hidden files is activated

6. to make super-hidden attribute folder on almost the same but given a little extra, so a command be attrib +s +h foldername /s /d. This aims to create sub-folders also have a super-hidden attribute

Create A Folder Without A Name

Usually, when we create a folder so that the folder should be given a name. The default of folder name is New Folder. However, we can create a folder without a name.

Try this :
Create a folder by click file | New | Folder
Then change the name New Folder by right clicking on the folder Rename
While pressing ALT write the number 0160 by using keypad numeric or part on the right keyboard ( [ALT] + [0160] ). Then click Enter
The actual number 0160 is characters a space that is hidden.

So now you have a folder without a name.
Well, hopefully useful. ^_^

Track the IP Address using Yahoo! Messenger

Did you know? When we use Yahoo! Messenger, we can actually know the IP address of the opponent we chat

This is what we can do :

Firstly, send a file to the opponent we chat. And then go to the Command Prompt and type NETSTAT-N and press enter, then the IP address of your opponent's chat that you send file will appear with former port used for sending files.
To know the location of your opponent chat (real address), you can check it in by using the IP address that you get.

It's so simple, isn't it?